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In order to help further wood processing companies in the Congo Basin improve the quality of their production, we have designed and are implementing a set of tailor-made technical improvement training modules, enabling them to increase their competitiveness. In addition to drying wood, we improve companies on the techniques of finishing works, carpentry sharpening, controlled felling and pit sawing.

Our training courses, which are aimed at practitioners, last between 3 and 5 days. They admit course content full of technical demonstrations, alternating with theoretical notions and practical demonstrations. Much more, we have a consolidated technical platform, which allows us to effectively conduct situational sessions, at the end of which the participants themselves develop best practice manuals which will serve as a compass in their companies. respective.

Wood drying training

Drying wood is a decisive operation allowing wood products of uniform quality to be placed on the market and limiting the risk of the appearance of numerous crippling defects (fungus, mold, splits, deformation, etc.) associated with poor control of the content. in humidity of the material. Incomplete drying can block the marketing of a product and give rise to litigation.

This training aims to provide participants with the necessary and sufficient tools to conduct an efficient drying process and ensure quality control. These tools relate in a non-exhaustive manner to:

  1. Basic knowledge of the drying process and the possibilities and limits of the equipment;
  2. The methods of loading and conducting cycles for correct drying (arrangement of batteries, installation of control probes, etc.);
  3. Drying defects and ways to avoid them;
  4. The energy and economic aspects of wood drying.