Dry wood

Drying wood using our service.

+237 6 58 46 77 03 info@sechoircam.com

Lumber drying

Why dry wood?

Wood is a living material, whose stabilization humidity level depends on the relative humidity of the air and the temperature (amount of water vapor contained in the air) of the environment in which it is grown. find ; we talk about hygroscopic balance. This natural phenomenon intrinsic to wood causes dimensional variations (swelling and shrinkage) of the latter at the basis of its deformation. Hence, for example, the phenomenon of warped doors whose leaves no longer close. Pre-drying the wood before machining it is therefore the best solution to limit subsequent deformation, but not only that.

Drying wood is a process that brings green wood to the desired humidity level for its use, in this case that of the environment in which it will be used. Although this process can be carried out naturally through drying in the open air, artificial drying is the only one that allows wood to quickly and in a controlled manner reach humidity levels below 20%, which are impossible. to be achieved via natural drying, but necessary for the creation of sustainable works.

Artificial drying of wood has both technical and economic advantages. From a technical point of view, the machining of wood is made easier, the material yield is increased, the gluing is optimized, the setting of paint or varnish is better, and the wood is less subject to attacks by xylophagous insects or mushrooms. From an economic point of view, it facilitates inventory management and business responsiveness.

Drying at Sechoir Cam

Sechoir Cam is an eco-responsible and civic-minded company. This value led us to opt for a biomass dryer system, making it possible to recycle part of the solid wood scraps generated by sawmill activity.
The choice of our drying process was also motivated by the desire to respond effectively to the needs of local processors expressed in terms of drying quality, limited duration of the drying cycle, average volumes and thicknesses of the wood to be dried, and the desired final humidity level. Taking all of these expectations into account has led us to adopt the latest generation of technological solutions, which combine energy efficiency – speed of drying – automated and continuous quality control.

Our asset

The “Quality-Cost-Delay” triptych is a reality at Sechoir Cam. We implement a production process that guarantees the most advantageous quality/price ratio for our customers.

  • As soon as you arrive in our production unit, your wood is directly cubed and the technical information (volume of wood; initial humidity level; final humidity level; species; thickness and delivery time) and commercial information (price conditions, payment, delivery) entered on a parameters sheet;
  • Once the parameters sheet has been validated, the wood is stored in our “Green Wood” zone, with issuance of an entry voucher;
  • The introduction of wood into our cells is conditioned by the establishment of a monitoring sheet, which allows us to follow the drying cycle by reporting all the events that occur. This sheet is validated at the end of the wood to ensure that all the quality criteria have been integrated;
  • The wood taken out of the cell is recorded in a production release slip, then stored in our “Dried wood” area awaiting delivery, or shipped directly to the customer.