The installation of wood drying units is faced with several levels of technical, economic and environmental complexity. We use our expertise to support you during all the stages leading to the realization of your project, to guarantee its full success. Our approach, which aims to be comprehensive, is based on an EPCCS (Engineering, Procurement , Construction, Commissioning and Start-Up) approach.

In order to offer you technical solutions adapted to your needs, we make a point of studying the feasibility of your project. For us it is:

  • Collect basic data on your company (energy potential, characteristics of the location, overall envelope available for investment),
  • Clearly characterize your drying needs (internal needs, needs of current and potential customers, information on the sawn timber to be dried: species, initial and final humidity, volume by thickness, length, etc.);
  • Establish a forecast billing scale for the drying service based on the characteristics of the products (species, flow types, thicknesses, final humidity level);
  • Define your project through a technical-economic study: determination of technical elements (drying time, useful capacity, energy consumption, kWh costs, sizing of drying equipment, etc.) and determination of economic elements (cost price forecast, return on investment time, break-even threshold, sensitivity analysis);
  • Evaluate the different alternatives according to all the selection criteria (technical, economic and techno-economic);
  • Help in making the final decision.

In the event that the feasibility of your project is confirmed, you have nothing to worry about because you have our local assistance in the acquisition (choice of suppliers, various negotiations) and installation of equipment, their implementation in service, or even their upkeep and maintenance.